Here you can find examples of work both professional and personal I have created using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and XD. As well as some examples of theory work in drawing I have experimented with, which helps me when creating characters for logos or mascots.
:: Professional Projects ::
I have worked professionally as a graphic designer previously, both to create individual logos for clients as well as all the materials for a professional business in the town of Scarborough, North Yorkshire. These experiences have made me comfortable discussing ideas and designs with various clients with different levels of specifications.
:: Rusty Knuckle Garage Project (Adobe Photoshop) ::
Creating all the materials required for a new garage opening in Scarborough, North Yorkshire. I created two variations of a logo. The first using just the initials of the business name along with a cog type design to frame the letters; this logo was designed to sit on the breast pocket or arm of a shit along with being the header for documents such as invoices.
I also created a larger variant of the logo as the client wished to apply the graphic to the side of a company van as well as a full back logo for shirts and jackets. The task with the larger logo was to create something visually tied to the smaller while being legible from a distance.

The client also asked for a sign sheet which listed their services clearly as well as the slogan they wanted ‘Not Just a Garage’ as well as their phone contact. The key for this design was legibility while keeping the same style design with the other materials created.
Finally I also created two sides of a business card for the client, translating the same information as present on the sign to the size of a small card. I also included the logo watermark as the client wanted a more in depth design for the card, plus given the use of a business card legibility is less of an issue than a static sign.
:: Professional Logo Examples ::
In addition to my work with Rusty Knuckle Garage I have worked previously to create logos for a number of different clients based in Scarborough, North Yorkshire. I have created two variants of a logo for a client who wanted to create a monthly email newsletter outlining the various creative events taking place in the town of Scarborough. ‘Sea Film’ was the name the client chose, and they emphasised cleanliness and simplicity with the logo design. I did create a variant with a subtle border frame, should they want a more boxed in look, while also delivering the simple name with the two slashes dividing the words.

I have also worked with the Scarborough design agency ‘Marston Brothers’ to create a logo for their podcast ‘Making Waves’. Again, simplicity and cleanliness were key here and we centred around my idea of combining the initials of the podcast name to give an identifiable image. It also helps symbolize the cliffs of Scarborough with the waves crashing against the rocks along the coastline.
:: Adobe Illustrator Projects ::

:: Digital Colour Exploration ::
I wanted to explore bold colouration as well as further develop my understanding of shape in characters with the bird pieces. These were intended to be used in another first year university module however didn’t end up being used. I still really enjoyed the process of producing these and feel like the linework coupled with the use of shape gives each of the three birds a completely different personality to the others.

:: Personal Graphic Projects (Adobe Illustrator) ::

:: Photoshop Projects ::
:: Rotunda Museum advertising campaign ::

:: Peasholm Park Glenn Tree Trail Advertising Campaign ::

Shape in design is something I find very intriguing when creating caricatures. See below various examples of how I use different shapes to create caricatures that show different character. This is something that will benefit me when creating icons and mascots for products such as children’s toys.

These sketches exude character by using their various shapes. From which I could digitalise the figures using Adobe Illustrator in order to quickly give clients a visual for mascots I can use in their marketing campaigns.
:: Rapid Prototype projects (Adobe XD) ::
:: Interactive Paper Prototype ::
:: ‘Voice’ Prototype ::
:: ‘Teamwork’ Prototype ::