002_CWRK:Video file
:: Still Renders :: I am aware only the video is required for the assignment, but I felt the renders complete the project.
:: Still Renders :: I am aware only the video is required for the assignment, but I felt the renders complete the project.
As previously stated, I am not actually submitting my environment for this assignment, rather a video of that environment that tells a digital story. This means that I am not creating an environmental story the same way one would when implemented into a game world, with a player being directed solely by their own interest.…
Now I have developed my initial ‘what if’ ideas into fully fleshed environment ideas, with their own themes and characters I can decide which scenario I will pursue and start to create the scene. Here I am going to give a synopsis of the complete environment ideas, with themes and characters implemented and explain my…
While structure does not directly apply to my environment the same way character and theme does, I’m not just submitting the environment. I am submitting a video of that location, which means that structure can be explored in how I direct the camera around the environment. The structure of the video I create can also…
Now that I have an idea what themes I could tell in my world ideas, and what environments would help show that theme I can move onto the top piece of the pyramid. The character. Now, when you look for character in game environments you are often met with small vignettes, sometime humorous sometimes not.…
:: What is ‘Theme’? :: Now that I have the low level, macro world ideas in place, I can move onto the next stage of idea development. Implementing the themes I want to tell and deciding on settings to help discuss those theme. However, before I decide what themes I will tell within my worlds…
:: Levels of Narrative Development :: Using my ‘what if’ ideas I had three very broad ideas for world settings. However, after discussing these ideas with the lecturer it became clear I would need to explore these worlds further. While these ideas are a good start, they are very basic and desperately need further exploration.…
:: What makes a good story for an Environment? :: It is vital that the story I tell within my environment is clear enough for the viewer to easily understand. Now, when working on an environment for a game the most important factor is how the player engages the environment, see the below quote (aestranger,…
:: What is Digital Storytelling? :: Digital storytelling is hard to define, with no single accepted description. According to the university of Wollongong the distinction between digital storytelling and non-digital is achieved by using a variety of digital elements to tell a story. This serves mostly to distinguish the format from a more traditional storytelling…