I intend to make my character appear beaten and sickly. A large part of doing so will be the cool colour pallet I use. In my research on how to achieve this I found a skin condition called ‘Argyria’ which is where a build-up of silver in the body gives a person grey or silver skin (REF.2 + REF.3). Imitating this skin tone would go a long way towards showing my character as ill and sickly.

This effect can also be benefited by the lighting I use to render my finished character. (REF.1), this gives me some amount of freedom if I find that using grey skin looks too strange for my model then I can achieve this with my lighting.

I also found a very useful article which discusses the colour tones and pallets used in horror films in Hollywood (REF.4). The same article listed an image discussing the various colours used in film and what they achieve when used on their own and together (REF.5) This was very interesting and informed me that with my cool colour pallet I should be wary of how many warm colours I use. This is because if I stick almost exclusively to cool colours, I can create the uneasy feeling I want to with the character. However, if I use too many warm colours in contract to the cool ones then the design might end up seeming calming as opposed to unnerving.

This was very interesting and informed me that with my cool colour pallet I should be wary of how many warm colours I use. This is because if I stick almost exclusively to cool colours, I can create the uneasy feeling I want to with the character. However, if I use too many warm colours in contract to the cool ones then the design might end up seeming calming as opposed to unnerving.

Finally, I also found a very interesting youtube video (REF.6). which showed how different bugs would look when combined with human skeletons. While very interesting the art style in this video is worth something I will be emulating but does give validation behind my idea to animate the character in a animalistic style when we move onto animating the character next term.

(REF.6) Papa Midnite (2012)

In closing I intend to use a very cool colour palette for my character and will use bright and unnatural lighting in order to create a sense of unease in the viewer. I will need to be careful with my use of warm colours when needed so as to achieve this effect and not make the character appear calming rather than unnerving.

:: References ::

alicebell-productiondiary.weebly.com (A) (2015). ‘CONVENTIONS OF PHYCHOLOGICAL HORROR’ [Online Article] Available online: https://alicebell-productiondiary.weebly.com/unit-123-project/conventions-of-psychological-horror [Accessed 22/10/2021]

alicebell-productiondiary.weebly.com (B) (2015). ‘CONVENTIONS OF PHYCHOLOGICAL HORROR’ [Online Article] Available online: https://alicebell-productiondiary.weebly.com/unit-123-project/conventions-of-psychological-horror [Accessed 22/10/2021]

Cenzi, I & Vannini, C. (2016). ‘His Anatomical Majesty’ [online article]. (Bizarrobazar) Available online: https://www.bizzarrobazar.com/en/portfolio/sua-maesta-anatomica/ [Accessed 22/10/2021]

Cinemadslr (2017) ‘Как добиться болезненного вида персонажа, не используя грим’ [Online Article] (Cinemadslr.ru). Available online: http://www.cinemadslr.ru/2017/09/20/kak-dobitsja-boleznennogo-vida-perso/#.YXJo-Z7MJhE [Accessed 22/10/2021]

Innes, E (2013) ‘Nose drops made my skin turn SILVER’: Woman suffers with condition for 60 years after the metal build up in her body’ [Online Article]. (Daily Mail Online). Available online: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2522463/Woman-suffers-argyria-60-years-silver-built-body.html [Accessed 22/10/2021]

Papa Midnite (2012). ‘Hominid Animation’ [Youtube Video]. Available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgMpoi23LuA&ab_channel=PapaMidnite [Accessed 22/10/2021]