As previously stated, I am not actually submitting my environment for this assignment, rather a video of that environment that tells a digital story. This means that I am not creating an environmental story the same way one would when implemented into a game world, with a player being directed solely by their own interest. Rather I can dictate the story being shown through the use of a camera more akin to an cutscene than a open gameplay environment.
With this in mind, I want to create a storyboard which shows the basic elements of the story I am telling. This will then help inform what assets will be required for the environment and can also help when creating the blockout of the scene. Much like how the different elements of story development all enhance each other the storyboard and the blockout are going to be used hand in hand to create a finished environment scene.
:: Storyboard ::
There is no minimum length for the video I must create, and given how most of my efforts will be creating this environment I anticipate the final video being fairly short. I must however make sure the video last long enough to effectively tell the story being shown.
The environment is quite small, and as such there will be a heavy focus placed on just a few assets which will tell the story. We open on a twisting zoom out shot of the newspaper, immediately telling the audience the world setting and the date. Then we start to see the damage and poor environment, through assets like the damaged front door and the tattered bed. The theme of crippling poverty is further shown through the eviction notice on the rooms table.

We then see the cot placed pride of place within the room, draped in blankets far more expensive than that on the bed. Showing the character’s care for their child and the theme of being forced to place yourself in danger for the benefit of a child. We end on a Dutch tilt angle shot, showing just the corner of the building opposite. ‘Dorset Street’ on the classic London Street sign. The same street where the final of the chronicle five murders took place, highlighting the danger the character is in.
:: 3D Blockout ::
With my idea for the final video now in place I could experiment with the 3D Blockout of the environment. This would allow me to experiment with my layout and think of exactly what assets are going to be needed for the finished scene.

With this blockout experimentation I have decided to add hanging clothing to the scene, as it helps fill the room and having seen the practise of hanging clothes inside rooms of the time period in my references I think it will really help give that ‘poor’ look. From a technical standpoint I will need to explore how cloth is created professionally in game engines as there will be a lot of that in the scene.
I believe that the small-scale environment was the correct choice to pursue as I think the story is concise and visually striking. Plus by making a small environment I can really focus on the quality of the piece and make sure the final video shows the story adequately. Above you can see the blockout within unreal engine, with the female character model to give a sense of environment scale. I will aim to show the cramped conditions of the space in my final video, helping show the theme and staying true to the living conditions of the Whitechapel poor in 1900.

‘A poor woman’s 1900’s home. A newspaper crumbled at the foot of the door reads ‘Jack is Back’. The room is visibly ruined, with broken furniture and smashed windows boarded up; except for a baby’s cot covered with fine blankets in the corner. The woman has no choice but to work despite her terror of the dangers, someone has to provide for her baby’