:: Initial Plan ::
I considered my post university interests heavily when deciding on my major project. I hope to progress into a career as a 3D environment artist; so I will use this module as an opportunity to develop my talents in this area. creating a portfolio piece of a quality that will allow me to realistically look for work post study.
Throughout my studies I have learnt various aspects of the asset creation pipeline but as of yet do not know the complete pipeline from conception through to implementation in a game engine. This is something I will focus on with this project, hopefully allowing me to be prepared for work post university.
I aim to create a single high quality 3D environment rendered in unreal engine.
This will require a lot of research into the various practised I should be implementing in my workflow before I can create a truly professional standard piece.
:: What I Hope To Achieve ::
I know from my experience trying to find an industry placement that my portfolio is not currently of a standard which would allow me to find work in a professional setting. Naturally, this is something that will need to change before the end of my third year. Below, (Fig.1) you can see the three pieces I currently have on my portfolio before the start of my major project. I intend that by the end of my third year these three prop pieces are replaced with two high quality, polished environment pieces. One from this module, and another from the digital storytelling module.

During this module I aim to gather feedback from industry professionals on the pieces I have made previously. Then, in addition to that personalised feedback, I hope to find as many tutorials and method videos as possible to create a visually stunning environment piece which addresses the faults identified in my pipeline and put me in good standing post university.
I also intend to gather industry feedback throughout the production of my environment, from the blockout to the asset and textures as well as technical aspects of modelling.