I feel much more positive about this group experience than my previous group project experience from the team project module. A greater understanding of my personality type led me to be able to utilise my working method in such a way that it would benefit rather than hinder the group.
The role I chose was perfect, as it allowed me to work largely independently, which fit with my personality and workflow while also pushing me to learn how to effectively communicate with team members to achieve a common goal.
Communication is absolutely essential for a good group dynamic, at the start of development it was difficult to get all three members of the group to discuss with each other at the same time, which really hindered progress however when we had set up regular discord calls we were able to really accelerate our progress we made with the project.

It was fun and enlightening to offer critique on group mates work and by mentoring a group member in 3D texturing I feel I have greatly expanded my knowledge of the process. When issues did arise with the assets when ported into the game engine it was very satisfying to work together to solve the issues swiftly.
Through this module I have learnt that my introverted and independent nature can still work well in the right group setting, and identifying a role which allows me to work independently while staying in contact with the group really helped me contribute a lot to the group project as a whole.
I also feel that we adapted well to feedback suggesting widespread edits just ten days before the deadline, and were able to work together efficiently to address this and create a more suitable game studio environment.
Also I feel more accomplished as a 3D Modeller and look forward to developing this further in my major project next year.