:: 3D Blockout ::
After I received the 2D layout from Jak my first step was to create my 3D Blockout. This gave me the starting structure and informed me of the furnishings the group wanted, while still allowing me freedom to create assets I felt would sit well within the environment.

The 2D layout didn’t show windows, so I placed these at my own discretion. But the blockout let me create a list of assets I needed to model for porting into the final project.
:: Modelling process ::
I provided grouped together assets to Liam throughout the project, not wanting to give him a large backlog of assets to texture all at once. Most of the assets I was able to create without the use of references however some did require me to source images to understand how the assets fitted together.

:: First Complete Design ::
Here you can see the initial ‘finished’ environment. While I believe the environment looks good and I am happy with the standard of modelling the feedback received from the lecturer told me the environment would benefit from a more casual feel.

:: Feedback Changes ::
While I believe that creating a more casual feel, (To solidify the environment as a game studio), would be done mostly through texturing, The environment would benefit from creating the assets needed for a gaming area. This required removing the one desk and replacing it with a individual desk that could be moved around the room.

I also showed Liam how to stamp images onto the walls when texturing, which would hopefully help make the office feel alive.

:: Final Renders ::

:: References ::
Bigmax.ro (n.d.). ‘Biblioteca Okane, negru, 134.62 x 134.62 x 22.86cm la Reducere’. [Product]. Available online: https://bigmax.ro/produs/biblioteca-okane-negru-134-62-x-134-62-x-22-86cm-la-reducere/ (Accessed 08/05/2022)
Symple Stuff ((n.d, (Producer)). ‘High-Back Mesh Desk Chair’. [Product]. (Wayfair.co.uk, (Online Seller)). Available online: https://www.wayfair.co.uk/Symple-Stuff–HighBack-Mesh-Desk-Chair-B31104-L10-K~HMCM1148.html?refid=GX433760181503-HMCM1148&device=c&ptid=903093452304&targetid=pla-903093452304&network=g&ireid=72712809&device=c&gclid=CjwKCAjwsJ6TBhAIEiwAfl4TWJhJk0ZAhD0pi8DAwm4Asx3N9SyWs9f55BinF8p4cLNcsiqMitsz7RoCU48QAvD_BwE (Accessed 08/05/2022)
Tarsier Studios (2021). ‘Little Nightmares 2’ [Video Game]. Namco Bandai Games America (Publisher). Available online: https://store.steampowered.com/app/860510/Little_Nightmares_II/ (Accessed 08/05/2022)
Tiedex.co.uk (n.d.). ‘Hisense RS694N4IIF, Side by Side Fridge Freezer F Rated in Stainless Steel’. [Product]. Available online: https://tiedex.co.uk/products/hisense-rs694n4iif-side-by-side-fridge-freezer-f-rated-in-stainless-steel (Accessed 08/05/2022)