:: Understanding My Personality ::
Before I get into the specifics of why I chose the role I did for my group, I first looked into what my personality type was in order to understand the best practises I can take to be an effective group member. I used the below test, from 16personilites.com (Ref.1,2) and discovered my personality type to be INTJ-A. Meaning Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking and judging.

I then did some additional research on the typical traits of my personality type in order to figure out my best approach to whatever role I am given. This research told me that INTJs often approach work in a very structured manner and like to approach problems individually, something I find to be true in my own life.
Individualism is a large part of the INTJ personality, so whatever role I choose I would like to be a key part of the group work produced, but to be able to work on it largely on my own before moving what I produce onto the next stages with another group member.
:: My Role In The Group ::
With my personality type in mind I chose to work as a 3D MODELLER for my group. This would allow me to create whatever environment the group desire largely autonomously, which fits with my character and it would allow me to further hone my modelling skills. Something I wish to pursue as a career post education.

I also want to keep growing my skills as a 3D artist, so as to be in a position to find employment once I leave university, Through my experience trying to source a internship I know that my standard of work is not good enough to find employment currently, so this is something I am keen to develop.
:: References ::
16personalities.com. [Online Resource]. Available online: https://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality [Accessed 26/04/2022]
IDRlabs (2017). ‘INTJ in 4 Minutes’. [YouTube Video]. Available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e5NpcYQDI8&ab_channel=IDRlabs (Accessed 03/05/2022)
Psych2Go (2019). ‘Myers Briggs Personality Types Explained – Which One Are You?’. [YouTube Video]. Available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXcWZnQPUXw&ab_channel=Psych2Go (Accessed 03/05/2022)