:: Initial Reaction ::

I wasn’t able to use my 3D Character model for my animation. But given how this module is about learning the methods of 3d animation I don’t see a problem with using a pre made character mesh.
This meant my initial plans had to change. I was focused heavily on the wing. Which was why I looked to similar character designs (Ref.1,2,3). However, given how all the pre made options were for standard humanoids, this research was not applicable.
:: Animation Ideas ::
I had a choice of four pre made character models ready for rigging. Sadly, none of these were particularly interesting characters, but I chose the ‘Waitress’ character as her long hair and tie will help me add depth to my animations, even for simple cycles such as walking or running.

:: Animation 1 – Walk Cycle ::
We’ve been told to focus on simple, highly polished animations rather than creating overly complex animations. While a walk animation might not be particularly visually interesting, it will help me get learn the basics of 3D Animation. I’ll also use the tie and hair to emphasis the characters movements.
Ref.4 – endlessreference (A) (2010). – ‘Female Standard Walk – Grid Overlay. Animation Reference Body Mechanics’
:: Animation 2 – Run Cycle::
Similar to the walk cycle animation a run cycle is fairly uninteresting, but it will help learn how to pace the character’s run so they don’t appear to be moving faster or slower than they should be.
:: Animation 3 – Bottle Catch Animation ::
For my third animation I’ll create something more visually engaging than a run or walk cycle. Perhaps an animation which fills the ten seconds requirement in one cycle rather than being looped. My character model’s a bartender, so it would be nice to have the character use some of the flair bartenders often show.
:: References ::
Atlus (2016). ‘Persona 5’. [Video Game]. Available online: https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/games/persona-5/ [Accessed 16/02/2022]
Endlessreference (A) (2010). ‘Female Standard Walk – Grid Overlay. Animation Reference Body Mechanics’. [YouTube Video]. Available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8Veye-N0A4&ab_channel=endlessreference [Accessed 27/02/2022]
Mike Boyd (2018) ‘Learn to Spin a Book || Learn Quick’. [YouTube Video]. Available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FmdTeh81L8&ab_channel=MikeBoyd (Accessed 04/04/2022]
endlessreference (B) (2011). ‘Jog: young adult female: half speed – Animation Reference Body Mechanics’. [YouTube Video]. Available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=filSEGMGbd8&ab_channel=endlessreference (Accessed 02/06/2022)
Tom Dyer Bartender (2021). ‘How to Catch a Bottle like a Flair Bartender – BALANCES’. [YouTube Video]. Available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2RZZVjAZrE&ab_channel=TomDyerBartender (Accessed 04/04/2022)