For week 1 I was tasked with showing the knowledge shared in this week’s lecture in a simple level blockout using unreal engine. I wanted to make sure to include as much verticality as possible in my level. I imagine the level as a simple battle arena, with two walkways and a middle close combat section.

It was very important not to give to much of an advantage to the player no matter their position. This would be a multiplayer level, so I wanted to discourage camping as much as possible. I did this by adding multiple paths to each advantageous section of the map. So, for example each house has multiple doorways, and each window is low enough to allow the player to jump through. Likewise, there are three ways of getting onto the top platforms.

I also mixed the cover up by having both full body cover and some that require the player to crouch to use them. Notably all the cover for the top level are small and require the player to crouch, reducing the height advantage they have over players below. I would have liked to add lower layers such as tunnels in order to further add height and I think this would allow me to introduce interesting game mechanics such as wall running.

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