This week development of the game finished, and with it I can present how my environment looked once placed into the final game build. From the screenshots above you can clearly see that something didn’t go according to plan after I handed the unity files to the group. The final environment is not finished, with issue with lighting, no 2d art pieces implemented and untextured assets.

I think the issue arose from the group’s programmer, who was the only member with access to the game files not realising I had provided the entire environment complete in a unity file for him. I imaging he instead gathered a few of the individual asset files and then didn’t know how the environment was supposed the be laid out.

While this has made the final game environment something I am not happy with. I recognise that this was simply a failure of group communication and if the group were still in communication with each other could be solved with a few minutes work.  If this were a development studio this wouldn’t have been the final build, and I did try to get the group to meet via a team chat to sort through this however nothing came of that.

I am still proud of the work I put into this project and do think I have really progressed as a 3d artist. I’ve also become much more aware at how vital constant communication is to a games development and should I have the chance to do so again would be much more proactive at getting my environment into the game and then adding to it. Rather than waiting until the environment is completely finished and then handing the files over close to deadline.

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