For week two I produced another model for my scene as well as developed the group project as a whole. We gained a new member this week who felt most comfortable with 2D art, as such the group suggested she make paintings for the rooms to display.

I also wanted the team to lean more into the puzzle aspect of the game than the horror aspect as I imagined a lot of groups would be making phycological horror games and as such a puzzle game would help differentiate ours. This idea formed what we would use briefly as our hook, being a 3d puzzle game where the player has to decrypt clues in order to find the key to get out of the mansion. This would later change again but for now the group were happy to go with this idea.

Firstly, I found a couple of references for the model I wanted to make. I intended for this model to be functional in the solving of the rooms puzzle, as I wanted the player to have to find a specific book and place it upon this pedestal in order to progress. While this interactivity was not necessary in the end product I feel as though it would have worked well. I used church furnishings for this model as I thought them to be nice and ornate and I could manipulate them to keep the horror styling of the game active.


Here I have highlighted a few of the steps I took to make the model in maya. I learnt last term that it is okay to have different aspects of a model intersecting, however I am unsure how this will move over to unity. I expect I will need to separate the different parts of the model when I export them so that there is no issues with importing the assets into unity.

I like the twisted infinity sign I made for the model, and the religious symbolism I incorporated. I think this looks quite cool and adds to the horror styling of the game.

When texturing I added a slight moss-covered effect which would add to the dilapidated styling the game is attempting to create. I used copper and brass here and there to give nice highlights and used a marble texture for the candle holder as I thought it contrasted nicely with the wood. A lot of my room uses wood textures so with all my models I tried to use metals and other materials as much as I could to break up the brown wood of the scene.


I used the same candle from the chandelier I made last week for the candle holder as I didn’t see the benefit of making extra assets. I have a lot to do to fill a library convincingly and needed to decide when it was appropriate to re-use assets. Overall, I think the renders of this model worked well, and I definitely prefer it to the chandelier model I made previously.


Heavy and Well Made Vintage Gothic Solid Oak Pedestal Reading Lectern [Product]. ANTIQUE CHURCH FURNISHINGS (Seller). Available online: [Accessed 06/02/2021]

Waverley Late Gothic Solid Oak Vintage Pedestal Church Reading Lectern [Product]. ANTIQUE CHURCH FURNISHINGS (Seller). Available online: [Accessed 06/02/2021]

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