In this post I will ink the video I will submit for part 2 of the assignment. I will also list my overall thoughts on my assets as an asset pack.

I approached the video as a sort of promo for the asset pack and so I thought it would be nice to add music, to make the video almost a trailer of sorts. I have linked the song I used below and have referenced at the bottom of the post.

The Crests. (1958) Sixteen Candles.[Single]. Coed [Label].

Here you can see the Youtube video of the asset pack.

I added a floor to the scene and made a quick table which I just left bare so I could place the phone and coffee machine on top of a pedestal, thus making them a similar size to the other assets. With the assets I tried to proportion them reasonably to each other, however I think I ended up making the drinks dispenser too small. In hindsight making the dispenser the same size as the fuel pump would have made more sense however I don’t have time to render all 900 frames again.

Honestly, I think the music works well as a means to sort of set the scenes, making it clear the time period these assets are supposed to be from, and I think the assets do look like they belong together and would be sold as a part of an asset pack. I think my favourite model ended up being the fuel pump, as I think the textures worked really well in the render and the stencils look nice. My least favourite asset I ended with will probably be the Jukebox. I think I should have modelled some for of speaker to the bottom piece of the model, as without it I feel it kind of looks like a cupboard more than a Jukebox.

I am very proud of the work I managed to produce. Looking back on the mug exercise I made in the first week of the module I have learnt so much and know many more techniques. Back when I couldn’t figure out how to get the handle of the mug to connect properly with the cylinder of the model, I wouldn’t have stood a chance at making these assets. It’s a very nice feeling being able to imagine something in your mind and be able to translate that into a modelled, textured and rendered asset.


The Crests. (1958) Sixteen Candles.[Single]. Coed [Label].

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