Booth Seat

With such a simple model, there wasn’t really many places for me to mess up my topology. It’s a shame I couldn’t get the cushion to export to substance, but I do think the design could be made manually just as easily as the Mike Hermes video did. I found a few times with the Mike Hermes videos, that the methods taught would work fine for the model but then cause problems further down the line.

1950’S TV

As you can see with this model, I also smoothed to a value of 2, however this time I do think the extra detail did help me with the baked model. I am still very annoyed that I could not get the original cupboard style surround to work, thought I don’t hate the design I ended with. The dials I think could have used some work, I combined the handle of the dial with the cog shape and in hindsight im not sure that was necessary.

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