For week three I was tasked with producing a hand drawn perspective image. In order to do this, I first needed to find an interesting image to base my drawing off. Near where I live, there are many forest walks. One of which has a very interestingly designed house which I felt would lend itself to my drawing very well. I didn’t want to do the standard city street scene, however the image I have didn’t show perspective and so this would be something I would have to add in myself.

In an attempt to add perspective to the image I shifted the camera for my sketch. I added a view of the side of the house and added in a path to the front door. Afterward I added trees by using charcoal to frame the image. The grassland I left intentionally messy as a nod to the original in which the house is simply surrounded by overgrown grass.

While I do like the final sketch, I ended with the feedback I received during my weekly seminar felt it didn’t show perspective particularly well. While the elements I added in themselves do show perspective when added to the image as a whole there are no vanishing lines. I also felt like the tree trunks in the foreground were too curved which gives the image an almost fisheye lens look.

Following the feedback, I received I decided to do a different sketch which would hopefully better show perspective. While I like my original sketch, I don’t think blending one or two elements that do show perspective with an image that doesn’t worked well. So for my redesign I used the more standard example you can find of a two point perspective city street drawing., online. Available at: [Accessed 12/10/2020]

Below is my second sketch. Which I feel shows perspective much better than my original did. I tried to make the design much cleaner than the first as one comment I received on that design was that It looked a little cluttered. I added a little shading to the different buildings in order to show where the light source was and how that would impact the different buildings.

I feel like this sketch is a good starting point which would benefit from further development. I would have liked to add definition to the buildings to show details such as brick work. Also, I feel like the building on the far right could have benefited from being redone as it doesn’t hold the same strong line work of the others. Overall though I would say that the sketch shows perspective well and in a later week I would use it as reference for a digital perspective drawing.

Reference:, online. Available at: [Accessed 12/10/2020]

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